Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is no longer a futuristic concept. It’s here - embedded in almost every technology we use. In the last two years, the AI landscape has shifted dramatically. The pace of innovation is staggering. In this episode, we unpack the change we've seen since the release of ChatGPT, and what we all should be thinking about as AI continues to reshape the world.
This is the second part of our special two-part series, where we dive into the surprising and…
This is the first of our two-part series on a topic that’s sweeping the headlines: Artificial…
High school mathematics in Australia is often driven by one thing: those high-stakes Year 12 exams.…
Atherosclerosis is a silent but deadly condition. It happens when your arteries get clogged with…
The 2024 WIMSIG Conference celebrates the achievements of women, trans and gender diverse people in…
In a special three-part series, The Random Sample will take you behind the scenes to explore the…
In a special three-part series, The Random Sample will take you behind the scenes to explore the…
In a special three-part series, The Random Sample will take you behind the scenes to explore the…
Australia’s wine industry is leading the way when it comes to a very important issue:…
Have you heard of, or are you experiencing, eco-grief or climate anxiety? A team of women just…
People love stories. That simple fact all too often gets forgotten by scientists when it comes to…
How mathematical modelling can help us better understand the complex interactions between…
Why do some people struggle with maths? In this episode, we chat with a man who studies maths…
This episode of The Random Sample gives you a glimpse into some of the mathematics and physics that…
In this episode, we explore the music of Taylor Swift using some common tools from a mathematical…
In this episode, The Random Sample switches things up a bit. The people who usually ask the…
It’s hard to imagine a time before Wi-Fi – or what we’d do without it. In this episode, we chat…
This episode introduces you to the three statisticians chosen to give the inaugural Horizon…
This episode explores how the Superstars of STEMS program equips equips brilliant diverse STEM…
On Saturday, October 14th, Australians head to the polls to decide the Voice to Parliament…
Our guest is University of Toronto Professor Jeffrey Rosenthal, author of the book, “Struck by…
How does misinformation and disinformation spread on social media? In this episode, we explore how…
Sometimes interesting research starts with a question from faced by industry. That question may…
Sometimes interesting research starts with a question from faced by industry. That question may…
This is a special edition of The Random Sample! We’re on the road at the World Statistics Congress…
Our guest is Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, a Professor in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke…
For three decades, University of Queensland Professor Hugh Possingham has combined his two passions…
Ever watch a TV courtroom drama where they question an expert witness? Chances are, you’ve never…
100 years after Albert Einstein predicted their existence, scientists in 2015 detected…
We explore the field of discrete optimisation and its use in helping many industries and companies…
It’s one of the most pressing, if not the most pressing, question facing scientists: what impact is…
Since its release in late 2022, Open AI's ChatGPT has most everyone talking about it, and even…
There's a global movement underway to address the low numbers of women in Data Science. It's called…
The 2023 AMSI-ANZIAM Distinguished Lecturer is Professor Konstantin Avrachenkov, Director of…
With the explosion of data everywhere, how do you prepare for the exciting new careers and jobs of…
The Fields Medal is the top award in mathematics and for only the second time ever, a woman has won…
The Statistical Society of Australia reaches a big milestone in 2022, as it turns 60 years old. In…
Mathematical and data scientists are heavily involved in the effort to save the Great Barrier Reef.…
In this episode, we explore the impact ACEMS has had on those sciences, and beyond, to…
Mathematics is exciting, enjoyable, and can surprise you, right? To help students to experience…
Thanks to the efforts of ACEMS Chief Investigator Rob Hyndman, the School of Business at Monash…
The European Meteorological Society just awarded an ACEMS researcher and her colleague in the…
Monash University Professor of Statistics Di Cook is considered a world leader in Data…
Aurore Delaigle is a professor of statistics at The University of Melbourne and a Fellow of both…
What does mathematical research look like? If you visit Australia's residential mathematics…
Ever wonder how the impossible becomes possible on the big screen? Not surprisingly, there's a lot…
Companies from many different sectors are all starting to realise one thing - that mathematics can…
The Safe Blues project was created to see in close to real-time how social mobility and epidemic…
Our guest is QUT Distiguished Professor Lidia Morawska who led the push to get health organisations…
Thousands of species around the world are being threatened by land clearing to make way for…
When things go your way – or don’t go your way – how much of that is luck? Do we overvalue or…
Every five years, the Australian Bureau of Statistics conducts a national Census. In this episode,…
In a world that’s more data-driven than ever before, we need people who can analyse and find the…
She is considered one of Australia’s greatest mathematicians. Professor Cheryl Praeger turned her…
What can maths do for you? A new children’s book aims to give youngsters – and their parents and…
The mathematical sciences community recently celebrated international women in mathematics day. To…
What does it take to test a vaccine? Among other things, some very important mathematical and…
For an 8th straight year, the Pint of Science Festival has just kicked off in Australia. Its aim is…
The term mathematical modelling takes on a whole new meaning for a group of Australian…
Mathematics has a numbers problem – at least when it comes to gender equity. But what if we could…
In the last decade, a controversy called the 'replication crisis' rocked the scientific community.…
The International Prize in Statistics is considered the top award in the field of statistics. This…
When it comes to the number of women in mathematics, the numbers are low. In this episode, we…
Have you heard someone say they weren't good at maths or hated it at school? Is there such a thing…
An Adelaide man recently set a world record for the tallest free-standing soap bubble. It reached…
Data can unlock the answers to a lot of questions. But few researchers are asking some of the…
In the race for gold, athletes are always looking for a competitive edge. But could that edge now…
Moreton Bay, off the coast of Southeast Queensland, is home to an incredible array of iconic marine…
We explore the connections between mathematics and Aboriginal culture and how they can be used to…
We sit down with four university students from around Australia who are studying maths and stats.…
What can you do with a mathematics education? For Casey Briggs, he's turned it into a career with…
From business to biology, Professor Kerry Landman has taken her love for applied mathematics and…
Do you ever stop and think about how much time you spend on your mobile phone, or binge-watching…
One of the biggest issues we face is the deliberate spread of false information over platforms like…
Bayesian statistics help decide what email you get is spam. It can assess security and medical…
It’s one of the fastest growing areas of mathematics, and for good reason. Mathematical biology…
Professor James McCaw is one of the leaders of the pandemic modelling group advising Australia's…
The closest thing to a crystal ball that many organisations and businesses have to look into the…
How do you know if a new drug will do what it claims to do? Or a new policy will have a desired…
In the build up to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals started preparing for the worst. On a normal…
In the search for clues in tracking the presence or spread of COVID-19 in communities, sometimes…
How well do social distancing measures work when it comes to controlling the spread of COVID-19?…
Patricia Menendez is on a mission to get more girls and young women interested in maths and stats.…
Chances are you’ve heard of bitcoin – or blockchain – or both. But what are they? How did they…
Every two years, AustMS and AMSI choose a prominent mathematician to tour Australia. This year's…
The world of data science has seen a massive explosion of interest in the last decade. It’s more…
How do we find the stories that are hidden inside of statistics and data? And how can we better…
What if we could change the way a lot of students feel about mathematics? In this episode, we…
How many beds should a new hospital include for its intensive care unit? Not enough is bad for…
In May 2019, there were more than a dozen "Women in Maths" Day celebrations around Australia. Maybe…
There's no denying the popularity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) - but what if you could…
In this episode, we explore the use of statistical genetics in the legal system, and in identifying…
The role of algorithms can’t be understated in the technological world we now live in. For example,…
Space junk and micrometeoroids present serious problems for any satellite or ship that ventures…
In this episode, we explore an innovative project designed to help the Great Barrier Reef. It's…
In this episode, ACEMS Chief Investigator Louise Ryan takes a look at the life of another…
Imagine your life now without a mobile phone or WiFi. The digital revolution is probably the…
Women make up less than one-fifth of the STEM workforce in Australia. But in this episode, we chat…
Louise Ryan is one of ACEMS Chief Investigators... and like many of ACEMS’ CIs she has had an…
Why aren't there more women in maths or STEM? What's being done about that, and why is that so…
Have you ever wondered what kind of career a focus on mathematics would give you?
When you see or hear news stories about the latest poll, or what conclusions have been drawn from…
How does your phone or computer know the word that you were trying to type and autocorrects for…
In 1960, an Australian mathematician named AG Doig co-authored a seminal paper in the field of…
In this episode, we explore the impact ACEMS has had on those sciences, and beyond, to…
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